Showing posts with label BlockAuth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BlockAuth. Show all posts

Friday, June 12, 2015

BlockAuth, Decentralized Authentication for the digital world.

BlockAuth, is a new light weight, password-less authentication protocol, based on the same cryptography used in the bitcoin protocol. Eliminating centralised, server-side storage of shared secrets, and drastically reducing the impact of a compromised server. While designed to support a Block Chain Ledger within a range of financial transactions, can be applied to any existing and future Internet based system requiring secure authentication, especially all mobile platforms.

The majority of computer and internet authentication systems today, are based upon username and password pairs. The username is a unique identifier (usually an email address), the password the shared secret between the user and the system to which access is being granted. Some of the more security conscious systems (HSBC, BofQ, Amazon, Google ect) offer an additional one-time-password, usually based upon something one "has" to form an authentication triple.

The problem with these, and other systems, is the need to share and protect a secret, and the aggregation of these secrets within a centralised system:
  • all smart cards need a shared secret key (typically DES key) loaded, CC, SIMs ect
  • MFA and all one-time-passwords need a shared "seed" secret
  • passwords are a shared secret

BlockAuth is a way to achieve secure, authentication using the same elliptic-curve cryptography as Bitcoin. Instead of using a shared secret, the client signs each request using a private key and the server checks to make sure the signature is valid and matches the public key. A nonce is used to prevent replay attacks and provide sequence enforcement, every BlockAuth signature is unique.
BlockAuth additionally supports mutual authentication between the client and the remote service.

BlockAuth is designed as a light weight, secure authentication service, which leverage's the Bitcoin free software base, be it with commercial EC curves, to allow mobile platform applications(APPS) to mutually authenticate with a wide range of internet accessible services or peers.

BlockAuth make use of a Secure Identification Number, or SIN, a fully decentralized, anonymous, secure identity, based on a the same bitcoin ECDSA key pair, SIN is an integral part of BlockAuth. The SIN supports both persistent, or ephemeral identifier, as well as the ability to opt out of anonymity as required. The SIN can be given to any number of remote services and there are for all practical purposes an unlimited number of SIN's for each client. The SIN is analogous to a bit coin address, as it takes the following form: base16check( 0x01 + ripemd160( sha256( pubkey) )

Typical authentication flow..
Client Application-> Server
  1. SIN Registration: register your SIN with the remote service using a mechanism of your choosing generally, this takes place with client registration
  2. Submitting Requests: requests are made over HTTP, with an x-signature:
    1. generate a unique, unix timestamp
    2. include nonce in your request
    3. concatenate and sign URI + BODY with your private key, and provide it in x-signature
  3. Remote Service: 
    1. extract the public key from the ECDSA message signature
    2. verify the signature
    3. compare the public key against the registered SIN
    4. Compose Response using similar form to above, but with remote Service details.
    5. Response Body to include an optional expiry, pairing codes
  4. Receiving Response: 
    1. extract the public key from the response ECDSA message signature
    2. verify signature
    3. compare public key against with Remote Service SIN, received at registration.
    4. Store any one-time use paring codes
BlockAuth Detached, Time Stamped, Signature
Based upon the international standard DER signature, extended with the addition of  "curve" and "timestamp" field elements. These extensions are downgrade comparable with the standard DER signature. This signature is also used within our Secure Block Chain Ledger, so can be utilised across multiple solution sets.

The timestamp field has several objectives, a) as the nonce, b) as a distributed, higher sequence number, c) as an expiry stamp for any key compromise processing, d) secure time stamping service for the signature. The time-stamp is appended to the message hash and hence bound to the signature.
The curve field supports our algorithm agility.

As a detached signature, this design can support the application of  multiple signatures if required.

The BlockAuth signature carries the public key. This removes the requirement to find the public key and allows secure linkage to the SIN attributes as part of any transaction processing.

DER ECDSA Extended Signature
C# Example Code
int recId
BigInteger r
BigInteger s
BigInteger unixtime
string  x-signature

            using (MemoryStream der = new MemoryStream())
                DerSequenceGenerator seq = new DerSequenceGenerator(der );
                seq.AddObject(new DerInteger(r.Value));
                seq.AddObject(new DerInteger(s.Value));
                // extensions
                seq.AddObject(new DerInteger(version.Value);
                seq.AddObject(new DerInteger(unixtime.Value);
                seq.AddObject(new DerOctetString(pubkey));
                x-signature  =  BytesToHex(encoder .ToArray());


Note: Hex is used for clarity above, normally base64 encoding would be used for all byte[] structures.

BlockAuth Sessions
While one can  use the above dialogue to support a "stateless authentication" scheme, many existing systems make use of a "session" in which the above process is the initial handshake or login process. In order to support these types of systems, BlockAuth can optionally make use of ECDH key derivation process,  to derive an out-of-band shared session secret between the client and remote service or peer. This shared secret can be combined with the return "expires" time stamp to generate a secure "session token" for all subsequent requests. A typical usage is to combine this ephemerial secret with the HOTP protocol to produce a secure One Time Password solution.
Schemes which could make use of this shared secret are:

1. JSON Web Token scheme

2. AWS scheme
Signature = URL-Encode( Base64( HMAC-SHA1( DHSecret, UTF-8-Encoding-Of( StringToSign ) ) ) );

StringToSign = HTTP-VERB + "\n" +
    Content-MD5 + "\n" +
    Content-Type + "\n" +
    Expires + "\n" +
    CanonicalizedBitAuthHeaders +

Pairing Token
BlockAuth supports the use of a paring token, this is a one-time-use token which can be used to access specific resources, via a specific role and or device ( mobile phone, tablet ect). This may be bond to a specific device Identifier, such as an IMEI code ect..

Replacing Usernames and Passwords
Simply replace username with a SIN, and password with x-signature, this provides a one time password approach, with no pre-shared secret.

Backward comparability: key the BlockAuth processing from the username SIN keyword prefix  "01" (base16 encoded)  which should be sufficiently unique, given most usernames are human related today.

BlockAuth is available for all Cognition API users, and SIN's will be provided along with the free ECDSA, and ECDH  keys and secure key pool chain available for all subscribers from the 1st July 2015.

C# Code
1. SIN Generation
                // Get sha256 hash and then the RIPEMD-160 hash of the public key.
                byte[] pubKeyHash = PubKeyHash;

                // Convert binary pubKeyHash, SINtype and version to Hex
                String SINversion = "10";
                String SINtype = "1"; //static
                String pubKeyHashHex = Utils.BytesToHexString(pubKeyHash);

                // Concatenate all three elements
                String preSIN = SINversion + _SINtype + pubKeyHashHex;

                // Convert the hex string back to binary and double sha256 hash it leaving in binary
                byte[] preSINbyte = Utils.HexStringToBytes(preSIN);
                byte[] hash2Bytes = Utils.DoubleDigest(preSINbyte);

                // Convert back to hex and take first four bytes
                String hashString = Utils.BytesToHexString(hash2Bytes);
                String first4Bytes = hashString.Substring(0, 8);

                // Append first four bytes to fully appended SIN string
                String unencoded = preSIN + first4Bytes;
                byte[] unencodedBytes = new BigInteger(unencoded, 16).ToByteArray();

                String encoded = Base16WithCheckSum.Encode(unencodedBytes);

Also see
1. Free hardware generated and protected Bitcoin Private key and key-chain.
2. Identity Theft and the Digital World..

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